We have about 25 varieties of apples ready now. One of our favorites is Cameo. It is a new variety, that is good for cooking or eating fresh. Slightly tart at first, sweeter as it ages. Holds its shape well when cooked. Slow to brown once it has been sliced, Cameo […]
We are picking apples now – and making cider, so it certainly feels like fall! For the first time, we grew pumpkins! We have two sizes available now – large and medium. Sorry to say our peaches are all gone. We don’t have u-pick apples or pumpkins, but you can […]
We will finish picking peaches this week and will likely sell out by the weekend. We do have apples including Gala, MacIntosh, Honeycrisp, Blondee and more available now and will be picking other varieties soon. Also available now is our own apple cider. Check our Facebook page for more updates!
We have closed our farm stand for the season. We are so thankful to all of our customers who helped us have a great summer! We hope that Mother Nature will be nice and let us have peaches again next summer, as well as some great plums, cherries and apples! […]
You can find us at the following farmers markets: Saturdays: Carmel Farmers Market 8:00 – 11:30 The Market at Hague 8:00 – 12:00 Shelbyville Farmers Market 8:00 – 12:00 Greenwood Farmers Market 8:00 – 12:00 Franklin Farmers Market 8:00 – 12:00 Other Days: The 2nd Sunday: Irvington Garden Club […]
We are vendors at several farmers markets in Indianapolis, Shelbyville, Greensburg and Greenwood. Announcements of when and where we will be in the summer of 2016 will be posted on our website and on Facebook. If you don’t find us at your favorite farmers market in the Indianapolis or […]
This apple is a cross between Jonathon and Golden Delicious, and it combines the best of both! It is crisp, juicy with a sweet tart flavor. Just the right combination to appeal to those who like a sweet apple and those who like a tart apple! It is also a […]
PEACH RECIPES How to peel peaches Bring a large pot of water to full boil. Dip peaches in the boiling water for 1 minute. (I use a wire basket.) Remove from boiling water and cool in cold water. Peel should slip off easily of ripe peaches. Peach Batter Cake 2 […]