Zucchini – more than just an ingredient for bread! Here are a couple of recipes that our family enjoys. Zucchini A La Casserole 1 thinly sliced, unpeeled zucchini 1 small can mushrooms (2 oz.) 4 slices American cheese Garlic powder 1 sliced tomato Oregano ½ onion, sliced and separated into […]
Our peach trees bloomed beautifully – starting the last week of March. They were loaded with blooms and looked so pretty. But on April 16 our temperature dropped below 30F and according to the experts that is where you start losing fruit. We aren’t sure at this point how much […]
Apple season is in full swing. We have picked about half of our apples and have lots of great varieties available at the farm and at the Binford Farmers Market in Indianapolis. You can also buy our apples through MarketWagon.com. We currently have Honeycrisp, Crimson Crisp, Pixie Crunch, Red Delicious, […]
I’m sure many of you have seen and heard that the Peach Truck is making its rounds in central Indiana this week. They bring Georgia peaches to you and sell them by the box. Georgia has great peaches, and of course, they are known for their peaches. However, peaches do […]
The early peaches are ripe and picked and ready for you to grab! If you want peaches to can or freeze, I suggest waiting a couple of weeks. The peak of the season is usually around the end of July into August. We do have a few boxes of seconds […]
We are anxiously waiting for the peaches and sweet corn to ripen! While some markets have Indiana sweet corn, we have not found an early variety that we feel is as good as the full season corn that we have been raising the past couple of years, so our corn […]
Yes it is cold here – down to -7 F this morning. We are keeping warm enough, but these low temperatures can be hard on our fruit crops. This article explains it very well. https://blogs.ext.vt.edu/tree-fruit-horticulture/2014/01/06/fruit-bud-damage-from-cold-temperatures/In 2014 the actual temperature on Jan. 6 & 7 was between -11 and -14 for […]
We have several varieties of apples ready now – Jonagold, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, MacIntosh, Cortland, Spartan, Macoun, Winecrisp, Rome Beauty, Snowsweet, and Braeburn. Only a few Gala, Honey Crisp and Stayman Winesap left. We also make our own apple cider and sell it at the farm. We also have […]
We have a limited number of peaches this summer, but we do have peaches! The winter/spring was a little too cold for some peaches, and they didn’t bloom, and therefore there are no peaches on those trees. But some trees are hardier and made some good, yellow, freestone peaches. The […]
It’s a garage sale plus! We have cleaned out our shed, garage and attic! We have so much stuff and we are putting it out for sale this Saturday, Nov. 18, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Antique furniture, handmade wood items, lumber, wood trim and wood flooring, plus Harker dishes […]